Site notice

The provider of this website is

HELBLING Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

Kaplanstraße 9
6063 Rum / Innsbruck
Phone +43 (0)512 262333-0
[email protected]

Company register number and company register court

Company register number 31671a, Innsbruck Regional Court

Value added tax registration number (VAT Reg No)

ATU 41522802


Chamber of Commerce Austria
Chamber of Commerce Tyrol
Association of the Book and Media Industry

Trade and Professional regulations

Trade Regulation Act, available at

Object of the Company

Book, Art and Music Trade

Publishing Management

Markus Spielmann


Markus Spielmann, Walter Harm

Online dispute resolution

We are required by law to inform consumers of the existence of the European Online Dispute Resolution platform, which can be used to resolve disputes without having to go to court. The European online dispute resolution platform is available here:

Dispute resolution procedure

We do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before consumer arbitration boards.

Further legal information

  1. This website is provided by HELBLING Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. It contains information about products and services offered by the company.
  2. We make every effort to provide only correct and complete information on this website. Nevertheless, we do not assume any liability or warranty that the information provided on this website is up-to-date, correct and complete. We expressly reserve the right to change, add or delete parts of the website, files or the entire website without prior notice or to discontinue the operation of the site temporarily or permanently.
  3. We do not assume any liability for the content of external websites that can be reached via links on our pages. The relevant providers are solely responsible for the content of such linked pages. Should a website to which we have linked contain illegal content, please notify us and the link will be removed immediately.
  4. All content of this website – including titles, trademarks, logos and company names as well as the design of the website – are legally protected.

Recommended system for using Helbling e-zone

Device that plays audio
Broadband connection of 1 Mb per second or faster
Current version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari
Browsers supporting HTML5 and JavaScript
If you are using a tablet, please rotate it horizontally for best view of the content.

Helbling e-zone software version




United Kingdom:
100 Clements Road
London SE16 4DG


Via Grandi, 10
60027 Osimo (Ancona)


Kaplanstrasse 9
6063 Rum/Innsbruck For general information, to contact our editorial, sales and marketing departments please go to contact.